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Key Financial Figures

For the 1H 2024 ended 30 June 2024
S$'000 1H 2024 1H 2023 Variance (%) 2H 2023 Variance (%)
Gross Revenue(1) 55,165 55,277 (0.2) 56,598 (2.5)
NPI(1) 27,165 27,168 - 27,806 (2.3)
Finance Costs(1) (2) 7,290 6,099 19.5 6,216 17.3
Total Income Available for Distribution 16,640 17,819 (6.6) 15,895 4.7
Income Available for Distribution per Unit (cents) 1.47 1.61 (8.7) 1.44 2.1
Total Distribution Amount Declared 15,076 (3) 17,819 (15.4) 12,786 (3) 17.9
Distribution Amount Declared per Unit (cents)(4) 1.34 (3) 1.61 (16.8) 1.15 (3) 16.5


Selected Balance Sheet Data

S$'000 As at 30 June 2024 As at 31 December 2023
Investment properties(1) 991,427 979,987
Other assets 38,154 24,894
Total assets 1,029,581 1,006,091
Borrowings, at amortised cost 335,019 315,370
Other liabilities 114,933 114,183
Total liabilities 449,952 429,553
Net assets attributable to Unitholders 579,629 576,538
Units in issue (units) 1,125,055,242 1,111,788,330
NAV per unit (S$) 0.52 0.52
