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Voluntary Conditional Cash Partial Offer

BackJan 21, 2023
Announcement Title Tender/ Acquisition/ Takeover/ Purchase Offer
Date & Time of Broadcast Jan 21, 2023 13:58
Status Replace
Corporate Action Reference SG230120TENDCCSI
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) RHT Capital Pte. Ltd. for and on behalf of Volare Group AG / Mr. Mah How Soon
Designation Managing Director
Percentage Sought (%) 10
Event Narrative
Narrative Type Narrative Text
Offeror Volare Group AG
Additional Text Amended the disclosures in Section 6.3 with regards to the board of directors of the REIT Manager. Save as disclosed, no other amendments.
Disbursement Details
Closing Time 17:30:00
Existing Security Details
Disbursement Type Cash
Cash Payment Details
Offer Price SGD 0.465


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