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• For multi-user industrial developments, the GFA
comprised in a single unit shall not be less than
150 sq m. If the successful tenderer decides
to strata subdivide the development, the GFA
comprised in a single strata unit should also not be
less than 150 sq m;
• For multi-storey industrial developments
, based on
the maximum permissible GFA of the land parcel,
the following number of goods lifts (with minimum
loading capacity of 2.5 tons and minimum lift car size
of 2 m x 3 m), and loading bays are to be provided
(Table 1.2); and
Table 1.2
Minimum Provision of Goods Lift and Loading
Bay for Multi-storey Industrial Developments from
January 2012
Maximum Permissible
GFA of Land Parcel
Technical Conditions
< 10,000 sq m
Minimum 1 goods lift and
1 loading bay
10,000 – 30,000 sq m Minimum 2 goods l ifts
and 2 loading bays
> 30,000 sq m
Minimum 3 goods l ifts
and 3 loading bays
Source: MTI
• The units in the development shall comply with
technical specifications of minimum floor loading
of 7.5 kN/ sq m, minimum floor-to-ceiling height
of 4.0 m, and minimum electrical provision of
160 VA/sq m.
1.5.3 Residential Property Measures
The government released a slew of residential cooling
measures in January and December 2011. The
measures include:
• Increase in Sellers’ Stamp Duty rates and holding
• Reduction in loan-to-value limit for non-individuals
and individuals with outstanding housing loans; and
• Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty imposed on certain
categories of residential property purchases.
2.0 Overview of Singapore Industrial
Property Market
2011 Highlights
Major highlights in Singapore’s industrial property market
in 2011 are mainly from JTC Corporation (“JTC”), which
• Completion of Phases 1 and 2 of the Seletar
Aerospace Park (“SAP”), a 300-ha aerospace hub
and the commencement of Phase 3 in 2012;
• Completion of JTC’s second phase of its divestment
exercise of 21 blocks of flatted factories and
amenities (more than 3.3 million sq ft (300,000 sq
m) for a total of $688.6 million;
• Development of the 13-ha Offshore Marine Centre
(“OMC”), comprising mul t iple-user industrial
infrastructure and facilities catering to offshore and
marine industries at Tuas. It is expected to be fully
operational by January 2012;
• Development of the Singapore Innovation Centre
(344,500 sq ft) at Biopolis, which is expected to
complete in 2013;
• Commencement of the first phase of Stolthaven
Terminals at Jurong Island, a $350 mi l l ion
petrochemical tankfarm of Stolt-Nielsen, alongside
the continuation of Jurong Island’s version 2.0
initiative; and
• Launching of Unilever’s plans to develop a Global
Leadership Development Centre, its first corporate
university in Asia at LINK@Nepal Hill, which is
envisioned to be another landmark at one-north;
• Announcement of the plans for the development of
Biopolis Phase 5, which will provide about 0.5 million
sq ft of research space equipped with “Shell-plus”
feature that allow biomedical companies to save
resources when setting up their facilities; and
• Announcement of the removal of the 100%
subletting relief measure for JTC tenants and the
reinstatement of the 50% subletting cap, with effect
from 1 January 2012.
In particular, the government has indicated that it will
keep monitoring the industrial property market and
has signalled that it will release more industrial land
through the industrial Government Land Sales (“GLS”)
programme and implement other measure as needed,
to ensure that the industrial property market remains
stable and sustainable.
(7) This applies to all high-rise industrial developments, regardless of whether it is a single- or multi-
user development.